A New Shop

25 March 2014
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A Soft Riot web shop has now opened where physical copies of both Fiction Prediction and No Longer Stranger can be purchased, but also various merchandise items such as shirts and posters as well. If you’re living in the UK or Europe this provides you a one stop shop for all of these items that will ship out within seven days of ordering.

Digital versions of these two albums can still be found at Other Voices and Volar Records.

Other items available in the shop include the one and only EP by Savage Furs, a goth/pop post-punk that was around between 2010-2011 including JJD and Chris Gilbert of Mild Peril in it’s ranks. This is available as a digital download or 12″ vinyl.

The new shop is hosted within BandCamp and can be access by clicking SHOP in the menu or by going through the link below.

Merch | Soft Riot

Merch | Soft Riothttp://softriot.bandcamp.com/Soft Riot is JJD, a former Vancouverite based out of London, uses a lot of antiquated equipment and lighting performing sinister, minimalist electronic “pop” songs…