Qual “Techsick” Video Premieres on Post-Punk.com
24 May 2024
Now up and online! The Post-Punk.com premiere of the video for the track “Tech Sick” by Qual which I contributed some shooting as well as done the editing and visual effects for, shot in both Athens as well as here in Glasgow.
Club Visuals for Waveteef 2024 Festival
9 April 2024
Performing at the 2024 festival edition of Waveteef was an amazing time, along with the opportunity of being asked by the festival organisers to conceptualise and create some background visuals to run the duration of the weekend.
“Laughter Takes Off The Edge” Video Premiere on The Brvtalist
21 July 2020
A new video for the track “Laughter Takes Off The Edge” from the album Chin Up premieres on The Brvtalist today, an online magazine dealing with mutant metropolitan culture and generally music on the darker side of the spectrum.
A New Online Portfolio: jjdinfo.com
30 June 2020
A new website has gone up at jjdinfo.com, a portfolio for graphic design, art and video production by yours truly, which includes a lot of the video and graphic design work for Soft Riot.
Marcel Wave “Moon King” Video
15 June 2020
The new video for the track “The Moon King” by synth-pop artist Marcel Wave is now online, with filming, production and video effects done by myself. Read on for more information and to watch the video.
Video Treats for Gothic Pogo Livestream
28 May 2020
Starting tomorrow, the Gothic Pogo XIV.5 Livestream commences with 3 days of musical acts and DJs from around the world. Along with a live/studio Soft Riot performance of three songs, there’s a bunch of other video treats that have been created for this online festival upon request of the fine folks at Gothic Pogo.
She Past Away “Durdu Dünya” Video by Flustervision
8 May 2020
And another video for the Turkish post-punk band She Past Away by Flustervision has premiered today! It is for the track “Durdu Dünya” which has been given a re-work by the American synth duo Boy Harsher as part of She Past Away‘s most recent release, X, which celebrates ten years of the band making music […]
She Past Away “Ritüel” Video by Flustervision
19 April 2020
Flustervision, a video production parntnership between myself and Glasgow video artist Georgina Penstkart, have recently done a video for the Turkish post-punk band She Past Away for their track “Ritüel”, remixed by The Soft Moon off their most recently remix album X on Fabrika Records.
“Fate’s Got A Bone To Pick With You” Video Premiere
20 February 2020
Out today! The third promotional video from the album When Push Comes To Shove for the track “Fate’s Got A Bone To Pick With You”.
Marta Raya Laurentiustränen Video
15 January 2020
A new video done for the track “Laurentiustränen” by Berlin-based artist Marta Raya, created by Flustervision, a new video production partnership set up by myself and Glasgow-based video artist Georgina Penstkart.