The Tower
A double-entry for the Canadian (1985) and American (1993) versions of the The Tower, both made-for-TV movies involving powerful, master computers in state-of-the-art (for the time) office buildings that go bezerk and start killing people! Both films are of dubious quality but provide a certain entertainment value. This entry is a bit of a contrast and comparison between the two and delves a bit into aesthetics, Canadian film and the little known genre of Canuxploitation.
Flash Gordon
A fun, camp and cult science film that bombed at the box office when it came out, it’s a hyper-stylised film with fashion and visuals that seem to be more aligned with hedonistic, high-fantasy disco than anything “science” related.
Billy The Kid and the Green Baize Vampire
So… a camp, stylized 80s musical film about a snooker match of which one of the players is a vampire you say? Billy The Kid and the Baize Green Vampire — the name alone draws up a lot of curiousity and that’s pretty much how I got around to watching it.
Dr. Caligari & Remote Control
These two cult films are very stylised 80s films that play a lot of colour and quirky plots but also take inspiration from novelty science fiction films.