Nausicäa of the Valley of the Wind
Watching this film when I was young when it was called Warriors Of The Wind, this 80s sci-fi classic gets revisited years later in its unedited form showcasing beautiful animated landscapes and a strong, environmental storyline.
Repo Man
To kick this Film Klub section into some action, I thought I’d post a little overview about a great film in a category that I call “sci-fi punk”: Repo Man!
Kamikaze 1989
A brief overview of the 1982 “West German cyberpunk thriller” Kamikaze 1989, directed by Wolf Gremm and starring Rainer Werner Fassbinder.
Bunker Palace Hôtel
This is the first film by Enki Bilal, a French-Serbian graphic novelist whole directed only three or four films over the course of 25 years.
It Happened Here
A 60s British film that asks “what if Hitler took over Great Britain in WWII?”
A brief note regarding a couple of lesser known film adaptations of works by J.G. Ballard, a highly influential british author known for writing classic dystopian, post-industrial fiction.
“The year Is 2234, after the great world war…”
“…the world has been totally annihilated by nuclear war and man’s greed. The earth’s surface has become an arid and scotched desert of sand and ash. Civilization has deteriorated into bands of nomadic warriors…”