winter waves and cryptic caves

Winter Waves & Cryptic Caves IV : Soundtracks Of The Mind

Winter Waves & Cryptic Caves IV : Soundtracks Of The Mind

5 January 2020

This is the final of three new instalments of the series of mixes done over the winter entitled Winter Waves & Cryptic Caves; this one being the most dynamic of the set, having more of a focus on favourite pieces from film soundtracks.

Winter Waves & Cryptic Caves III : Drones & Tones

Winter Waves & Cryptic Caves III : Drones & Tones

23 December 2019

This mix, Winter Waves & Cryptic Caves III: Drones & Tones, is the most minimal and meditative of the bunch, focusing on ambience and sound design. It includes artists old and new — strangers, friends and peers I know expanding in that universe of sound, creating new worlds to travel in and out of.

Winter Waves & Cryptic Caves II : Synthesizer Worlds

A New Mix: Winter Waves & Cryptic Caves II

10 December 2019

This mix, Synthetic Worlds, is a selection of more synthesiser-based pieces from classic artists from years gone as well as newer tracks by current artists, including friends and peers I know expanding in that universe of sound, creating new worlds to travel in and out of.