White Light White Heat

Soft Riot "Who Knows Where You'll Be" Video Still

“Who Knows Where You’ll Be” Video Premiere

16 April 2020

Many thanks to the music site White Light/White Heat for premiering the first video from the album Chin Up for the track “Who Knows Where You’ll Be”. “Detached, disillusioned lyrics tread through an unsure existence in a disconnected search to find comfort and understanding.”

Soft Riot | When Push Comes To Shove (PSSN04) | Cover

Some More “When Push Comes To Shove” Press

31 January 2020

As we close out the first month of 2020, there’s been some further press pick-up across the internet-o-sphere regarding the new album When Push Comes To Shove in the new year, as well as an in-depth review of the second and latest promo video from the album for the track “By The Skin Of Your Teeth”.

Alice Hubble - Kick The Habit

Soft Riot’s “Kick The Habit” Remix for Alice Hubble

4 November 2019

Alice Hubble’s “Kick The Habit” single has now been released on the UK label Happy Robots, including a reworking of the title track by yours truly. The Italian synth/post-punk mag White Light/White Heat premiered the single.