Ubre Blanca

Ubre Blanca "Rhizome" Cassette Cover

Ubre Blanca’s “Nocturne I” featuring Soft Riot

5 June 2023

Today is the release day for the new album Rhizome by Ubre Blanca, a Glasgow-based “dark electronic disco”, and which I collaborated with them on the album’s second track, “Nocturne I”.

Possession Records logo

Launch of Possession Records and New Hausfrau Video

25 August 2016

This past week a new Glasgow-based label called Possession Records announced its existence. It is a new endeavour that I am starting with members of other Glasgow groups Hausfrau, Kaspar Hauser and Ubre Blanca. It is a co-operative affair and a new direction that’s being taken for future releases for all bands involved, including a […]