
Soft Riot — Promo Photo 2 | Spring 2023

Kollektiva sounds in on “No.”

19 September 2023

The Hungarian web presence known as Kollektiva puts in a strong endorsement for the new album No.: “…even in this sad, dark age, the album full of innovation and to say, which besides perfect musical production, at least the ‘NO’ is so focused.”

SOFT RIOT "Second Lives" — Coldexperiment.com

Second Lives feature on Coldexperiment.com

14 June 2021

Ahead of being released at the end of this month, the fantastic Japanese electronic music website Cold Experiment published a nice feature on the upcoming Second Lives record.

In The Papers In Spring 2013

8 April 2013

Here’s some recent press, mostly regarding the recently re-released No Longer Stranger LP: I VACATION IN YOUR HELL April 2013 ivacationinyourhell.com/2013/04/07/soft-riot/ ELECTRONIC RUMOURS March 2013 electronicrumors.com/2013/03/18/audio-soft-riots-no-longer-stranger/ 20 JAZZ FUNK GREATS March 2013 www.20jazzfunkgreats.co.uk/wordpress/2013/03/god-is-in-the-dancehalls/ And more to come. A video for the track “Cinema Eyes”, on both the upcoming album Fiction Prediction and the Desire Records […]


24 April 2012

A small feature in the UK blog Bad Fotography, complete with videos and audio clips. Soft Riot | Bad Fotographyhttp://www.bad-fotography.co.uk/2012/04/soft-riot.htmlI’m continuing with the synth theme again. We’ve come to an age where being an “electronic” solo musician almost always seem to result in a…