Kollektiva sounds in on “No.”
19 September 2023
The Hungarian web presence known as Kollektiva puts in a strong endorsement for the new album No.: “…even in this sad, dark age, the album full of innovation and to say, which besides perfect musical production, at least the ‘NO’ is so focused.”
Second Lives feature on Coldexperiment.com
14 June 2021
Ahead of being released at the end of this month, the fantastic Japanese electronic music website Cold Experiment published a nice feature on the upcoming Second Lives record.
In The Papers In Spring 2013
8 April 2013
Here’s some recent press, mostly regarding the recently re-released No Longer Stranger LP: I VACATION IN YOUR HELL April 2013 ivacationinyourhell.com/2013/04/07/soft-riot/ ELECTRONIC RUMOURS March 2013 electronicrumors.com/2013/03/18/audio-soft-riots-no-longer-stranger/ 20 JAZZ FUNK GREATS March 2013 www.20jazzfunkgreats.co.uk/wordpress/2013/03/god-is-in-the-dancehalls/ And more to come. A video for the track “Cinema Eyes”, on both the upcoming album Fiction Prediction and the Desire Records […]
24 April 2012
A small feature in the UK blog Bad Fotography, complete with videos and audio clips. Soft Riot | Bad Fotographyhttp://www.bad-fotography.co.uk/2012/04/soft-riot.htmlI’m continuing with the synth theme again. We’ve come to an age where being an “electronic” solo musician almost always seem to result in a…