Taking Off The Edge is a digital single from 2019’s When Push Comes To Shove LP, which also contains two exclusive tracks from the album recording and mixing session. These tracks are “There Just Isn’t Enough Time II” and “You’ve Got The Brains To Figure It Out Yourself”.
Resonating with references from all corners of the synthpop’s origins, Soft Riot’s latest release nonetheless manages to retain its own individual voice, melding and reinterpreting its antecedents with a personal twist and an impressive demonstration of synth-craft and programming. Following on from 2018’s The Outsider in the Mirrors, these ten tracks represent a change in themes and an evolution in production and sound.
Although there’s no overarching concept to the album, Soft Riot has used this release as platform to experiment with his own concept of “déja vu”, using minute details of musical phrases and lyrics that have been used before in previously released Soft Riot material, and even between songs on this album. Some of these mirrored details are very subtle and would only be picked up by someone who has listened to all of the material up until now. It could also be the underlying black humour of Soft Riot’s work, mischievously playing off the old saying “it’s all been done before”.
This is a free or pay as you want single exclusively from the Possession Records store.