Last Entry for 2023

26 December 2023
Still from "It Never Takes Long To Say No" video — last post of 2023

As we’re now in that weird gap between Christmas and the New Year, it seemed like a good time to do a final post for 2023 — a year marked with strife, numerous ongoing horrific wars and as much inequality and insanity around the world as ever. It’s a time of rest, reflection, planning and looking forward to new things. Music for me is a form of magic, and that magic happens when putting oneself out of regular, routine situations — and for this reason I’ve been feeling it more by spending as little time on social media over the past couple of weeks. As the years go by I find it increasingly more strange and sinister that so much of the art, music and DIY creative world funnels how they communicate with the rest of the world through a handful of multi-national, data-collecting organisations and the platforms we’re funnelled into to reach out to the world, including the one I’m using here to make this post. I’ve been enjoying my time off it currently, and feeling the seeds of new ideas starting to come as we move into the new year.

Without making a long post, many thanks to friends, peers, fans and like-minded individuals I’ve met in my travels in 2023 as well as over my time doing music. Your support has been ever appreciated. Here’s to better things for the new year, if that’s possible and hope to see people I’ve met in my long musical journey again in the new year.