August BandCamp Sale – 20% Discount

5 August 2021
Possession Records - August 2021 Summer Sale graphic
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Tomorrow another BandCamp Friday sale springs into action with a little Possession Records summer sale to ice that lovely cake. In addition to the waived BandCamp fees, you can use the discount code youcantpleaseeveryone to get 20% off of your order. This discount code is active until midnight at the end of August 15th and applies to everything in the shop including:

SOFT RIOT Second Lives Dig/CD/Cass (2021)
OSTROFTI Sudden Vision Zones Dig/Cass (2021)
SOFT RIOT Chin Up Dig/CD/Cass (2020)
SOFT RIOT When Push Comes To Shove Dig/LP/CD (2019)
SOFT RIOT The Outsider In The Mirrors Dig/LP/CD/Cass (2018)

And all merch items including T-Shirts, the SOFT RIOT “Fate” perfume, the conversation-worthy VOIDAMOL Travel Tin Packs and more.

Shows are happening again slowly and getting back out to playing venues! Check out the artist pages for live dates. Thanks for your support over this strange time. =)