“Laughter Takes Off The Edge” Video Premiere on The Brvtalist

21 July 2020
Soft Riot "Laughter Takes Off The Edge" | Video Still
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A new video for the track “Laughter Takes Off The Edge” premieres on The Brvtalist today, an online magazine dealing with mutant metropolitan culture and generally music on the darker side of the spectrum. This is the second and likely final video created to promote the most recent album, Chin Up, which was released a few months ago on Possession Records and features 11 tracks of a more ambient and filmic nature.

“Laughter Takes The Edge Off” comes off the Glasgow-based, Canadian artist’s latest album, Chin Up (Possession Records), which finds the artist traversing ambient synth-pop, abstract waves and other melancholy forms. The video is the perfect accompaniment to the track, taking us on a psychedelic journey through a collage of different dimensions all set against the background of SOFT RIOT’s eerily soothing sound that is reminiscent of post-punk, synth, wave and beyond and has become of the most prolific artists operating in these worlds today.

The production of the video was an experiment in abstract landscapes, based on impressions of listening back to the song while writing it and the feeling of moving through a space where elements represent structures within the track’s composition. It was also an experiment to take the collage-style of artwork that runs throughout the catalogue of releases and adding motion and the dimension of time to create a dream-like, psychedelic environment. The video is created to jjdinfo.com, a new portfolio I’ve started for visual works that relate more to music, art and generally things that are more experimental in nature.

Watch The Video