A New Online Portfolio: jjdinfo.com

30 June 2020
jjdinfo.com | Screenshot
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A new website has gone up at jjdinfo.com, a portfolio for graphic design, art and video production by yours truly. Although music is probably one of the most important activities in my life, my “day job” is as a self-employed graphic designer, web developer and at times video production. Operating under the name JJD Works, which is mainly geared towards web development and graphic design for the business community, I figured an alternate approach to the portfolio of visual work would be to focus on the more experimental and artistic-leaning aspects of my portfolio of work, and to give it a more personal touch.

The new site includes a lot of interesting projects, including a number of Soft Riot videos that were produced, along with various album packaging designs and of course, this website. Other work includes additional video work for Gothic Pogo XIV.5 Livestream, Nikolas Schreck and Marcel Wave, as well as a lot more other promotional design.

You can feel free to check it out on the link below:

Musical Artist, Graphic Designer, Video Producer | Jack Duckworth (JJD)
Musical Artist, Graphic Designer, Video Producer | Jack Duckworth (JJD) This is the portfolio of Jack Duckworth (JJD), a musical artist, graphic designer, video producer and visual artist based in Glasgow UK.