Next month I’ll be back on the road playing a selection of dates in Germany, Belgium and Netherlands with synthpunk artist GrGr (Münich) with DJ support from Berlin’s Angelic Sintesis. This is the first in a number of smaller tours I’ll be doing throughout 2020 in Europe, with more dates coming and to be announced starting May 2020 and onward.
Friday | 2020-03-13
Darmstadt DE
Oetinger Villa
Saturday | 2020-03-14
Erlangen DE
Omega Erlangen
Thursday | 2020-03-19
Brugge DE
Villa Bota
Live and radio set for Mutant Transmissions.
Saturday | 2020-03-21
Utrecht NL
Further enquires about booking in Europe can be directed to Anneke Barta at Finite Bees Management. For full listing of shows check out the Live Events section.