Tags: By The Skin Of Your Teeth, feature, review, Unter-ton.de, video, When Push Comes To Shove, White Light White Heat
As we close out the first month of 2020, there’s been some further press pick-up across the internet-o-sphere regarding the new album When Push Comes To Shove in the new year, as well as an in-depth review of the second and latest promo video from the album for the track “By The Skin Of Your Teeth”.
ElektroSpank – FMA – Soft Riot – When Push Comes To Shove | Reviewhttp://www.elektrospank.com/reviews/cd-reviews/231-soft-riot-when-push-comes-to-shoveSoft Riot is the musical alter-ego of the Glasgow based, Canadian artist JJD. Soft Riot and the man behind that name, JJD, has a long history in music styles like new wave,…
In German
RATIONAL YOUTH “COLD WAR NIGHT LIFE” VS. SOFT RIOT “WHEN PUSH COMES TO SHOVE”: ZAUBER DES ANFANGS – UNTER.TON | MAGAZIN FÜR KLANG- UND SUBKULTURhttp://www.unter-ton.de/rational-youth–cold-war-night-life–vs.-soft-riot–when-push-comes-to-shove—zauber-des-anfangs.htmlDer Mensch neigt dazu, sich dem Irrglauben hinzugeben, dass im Wachstum und Fortschritt Heil und Erlösung liegt. Dabei wird oft übersehen, dass manche Sachverhalte…
White Light // White Heat
WL//WH Video Of The Day: SOFT RIOT “By The Skin Of Your Teeth” – WhiteLight//WhiteHeathttps://whitelight-whiteheat.com/new-music/wl-wh-video-of-the-day-soft-riot-by-the-skin-of-your-teeth/Video Of The Day Soft Riot Veteran Vancouver-born, Glasgow-based synth-pop artist JJD , under his SOFT RIOT moniker, dropped on November one of our favourite release from last year, in the form of his 7th album ‘When Push Comes To Shove’, through the DIY label Possession Records, he co-founded together with Claudia Nova from Hausfrau and Andy Brown from Ubre Blanca. Knob turning, synth slinging one man show Soft Riot walks to the beat of his own words as he lyrically explains the complexities of forging ever-forward in an increasingly noisy world. Visceral electronic pulses measured with precision amid the