We’re now into a new year… the year of 2020! It sounds and looks futuristic. There’s a lot coming soon from this camp but in the meantime this entry is to express gratitude for those including the new album When Push Comes To Shove on their Best Albums of 2019 lists, which you can find out more information on the below links. And in good company as well!
White Light // White Heat
WL//WH Favourite Post-Punk / Darkwave / Synth Albums Of 2019 – WhiteLight//WhiteHeathttps://whitelight-whiteheat.com/playlist/wl-wh-favourite-post-punk-darkwave-synth-albums-of-2019/Favourite Post-Punk / Darkwave / Synth Albums Of 2019 As always, a year of deep listenings, full of discoveries, new loves and obsessions, and some disappointments. Leaving aside the big and obvious names like Nick Cave or Chelsea Wolfe, and the amazing debut album of Dublin’s Fontaines DC, probably my favorite of the year, actually on everyone’s lips. Here is, in summary, the records that I listened to most over the year, with the usual involuntary omissions and strictly in no particular order.
Cold Experiment
THE BEST OF 2019 | COLD EXPERIMENThttps://coldexperiment.com/playlist/the-best-of-2019/2010年代の終わりに相応しく、2019年にリリースされたアルバムやEP、シングルはかつてないほどシーンを活性化し、世界中でミニマルシンセやダークウェイヴといったエレクトロニック・ミュージックがかつてないほど旺盛を極めました。
The Wave Of Things
A Musical Review of 2019 – André Savetierhttp://www.savetier.eu/a-musical-review-of-2019Another year has passed, The Wave of Things has entered its second year of existence. Episodes require proper planning and … Read More →
Bleak Season
Top Picks of 2019 – – Bleak Seasons –https://bleakseasons.home.blog/2019/12/21/top-picks-of-2019/In no order of preference, these are our picks for favourite releases of the year->
Synthentral Top 30 Albums of 2019 « Blair Scott: Synthentralhttps://blairscott.wordpress.com/2020/01/03/synthentral-top-30-albums-of-2019/The amount of amazing music released in 2019 was overwhelming at times. I was able to get my hands on 612 full length albums in 2019. Throw in EP’s and singles and the year was incredibly pro…