Here we almost are at the shortest day of the year, Winter Solstice. In the couple two weeks of the year going into the new one I usually get some proper downtime and a chance to rest up before going into the next one. Clock out for a bit and do things one usually doesn’t have the time for. It’s been a busy year of travelling, touring, putting out a new record, running a record label, starting some video production projects and seeing a lot of good people I call friends from here, there and everywhere. People that I hope to see more of going into this next year of 2020.
Next year sees more touring starting in March and further touring going on throughout the year. A new record out sometime in Spring 2020. It’s a bunch of tracks written around the same time as “When Push Comes To Shove” but with a completely different feel; more ambient and experimental tracks that I’ve been working on over the last year or so with some guest vocals from musician friends. Possession will also be putting out some releases by other artists in the new year.
There’ll also be some further promo videos from When Push Comes To Shove out early in the new year so there’ll be news on that soon enough.
It’s been an up and down year for myself and a lot of people I know. Love and solidarity. Looking forward at chipping away at the garbage in 2020 and the adventures that come with it.