A Video For Your Entertainment

12 January 2016
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Here we are in 2016 and this is the first entry on softriot.com for the new year, back with a new promotional video for the track “For Your Entertainment” off of the recent album You Never Know What Might Come Next. It’s a glitched out, black satire of the modern media-drenched world we live in. Descriptive words might include: Absurd, frightening and psychotic.I’ve opted for a more personal statement regarding this premiere so here goes:

“The original plan was to “premiere” this yesterday but 2016 has been a very surreal start, including the passing of Bowie and many other monumental things going on elsewhere. It all just feels a bit weird.

“The world at times seems like a chaotic, malevolent and frightening place with world events, the environment and the chaotic acceleration of progress which occupies my thoughts a lot of the time, as well as my own life, which is negligible in comparison but nevertheless has its own problematic troubles.

“I had the ideas for this video in my head for a quite a while and got around to putting it all together a month or so ago. I’ve been really into video lately. I’ve really engaged with it and allows access to different dimensions that I sometimes can’t really get across with the music. I have a love/hate relationship with music, often myself being my own worst critic.

“Rather that going for the angle of a video filled with clichés of shadowy black and white images with shots of myself wandering around dour landscapes looking forlorn, I’ve opted for a psychotic satire built with my own black sense of humour as a some way of processing it all. The fractured, glitchy feel mirrors how I feel trying to process all everything that the media (tv, social media, or otherwise) is saturated with, as well as my own increasingly feeling of alienation from people — feelings which I’ve always had to some extent but I don’t like and am always looking for positives to try and avoid.

“Maybe there’s a Cindy Sherman influence in this one; myself playing all the parts. With all the video distortion I might just pass as a female news anchor… o_O

“Thanks to MM Lyle (who is enjoying life just fine without Facebook BTW) for the assistance and thanks to Joe Newman for the use of the Hammond organ in the video. It weighed a tonne but is a very classy piece of equipment. And of course, all my inspiring friends across the globe.

“This is the second of 3 videos from this album. A third one yet to come. And like the last one, stick around to the end… ;D”

And here’s the video:

There’s more news in the pipeline of course but in the meantime check out the Live Events section for more details.