“Modern Dread” is a track off of Some More Terror, a release featuring 11 tracks of more filmic, instrumental synthesized soundscapes. The idea was always there to do some sort of promotional video for a track off the release, but in a different format from a standard DIY video for a “pop” song. The music afterall is very soundtrack influenced and so hey, why not try and make a tiny little film?
Serving up parts of psychedelic dream collages, abstract horror and a bit of absurdist black humour, this short film comes with inspiration from the more darker, surreal Kids In The Hall sketches, Wim Wenders, Ian Svenonius, the French commentator from The Day Today, film collage of Kenneth Anger, bad subtitling on foreign films and stilted acting. And yes, perhaps a bit Lynchian, a tag that most viewers may tie this to.
This is the first of a couple of video projects currently being worked on so there’ll be more in the not so distant future.
Most of the footage was shot on location in Sheffield. A big thanks to MM Lyle of Marcel Wave for acting and assisting in this video. Enjoy.