Originally posted 25 Sept 2012 / Revised 24 Oct 2012
Here’s peek at the cover for the upcoming album Fiction Prediction. This is proudly being released on the Other Voices label, responsible for some pretty stellar output by artists such as Eleven Pond, Tobias Bernstrup, Attrition, The Silicon Scientist and more. Check out the Other Voices website at www.othervoicesrecords.com. This will be out in LP/CD/Cassette and digital format. Note that the tracklisting may differ from the various formats it’s slated to be released on. Previews of tracks are in the works and ordering information should be announced a bit later this fall.
A few extras are to be provided with the release as digital only extras: including some extended mixes of a couple of tracks for those looking to squeeze a little extra juice out of the tracks when playing them in a more lively environment; such as a club, a celebration, or an exorcism in one’s own home.
This will follow shortly after the No Longer Stranger re-release (vinyl/digital) on Volar Records at the tail end of this year.
In the LIVE EVENTS section information on shows with LEBANON HANOVER can be found. Cities confirmed are Freiburg (DE), Zürich (CH), Luzern (CH) and St. Gallen (CH).