Well isn’t this something. A Soft Riot update. After a few years of on and off activity while lots of energy was poured into other things an unexpected train of thought struck me about a month ago to finish up and complete a bunch of half finished tracks built over the last two years that were worked on in late night random bursts. Soft Riot is a project that occurs in a certain mindset — late nights, no-one around, mental vortexes — and that time is now.
“No Longer Stranger” is a collection of six tracks to be released on the Vancouver/Montreal (Canada) label Panospria at the waking moments of 2011. This release is out now on Panospria. It’s a free download so get it here. In the meantime, two tracks from this release are featured in the player. Also check out SAVAGE FURS, another project JJD is involved in and will be putting out a release very soon (details to come). Thank you for your time.